4 maj 2019

USA:s kräver `ensamrätt´ över sin `Bakgård´ och ett antal venezuelaner applåderar den man som sätter sig över dessa: John Bolton: ”Detta är VÅR hemisfär”!

Luttrade militära förrädare i Caracas under det militära fiaskot och försöket till en militär statskupp den 30 april. John Bolton hotar dagligen med militära invasioner av Venezuela eftersom Trump tillsatte "interrimspresident" Juan Guaidó inte har ens stöd från hela oppositionen.

USA:s kräver `ensamrätt´ över sin `Bakgård´ och ett antal venezuelaner applåderar den man som sätter sig över dessa: John Bolton: ”Detta är VÅR hemisfär”!

Av Dick Emanuelsson

TEGUCIGALPA / 2019-05-04 / I politiska kriser bekänner som bekant folk färg. Som i FB-gruppen ”Latinamerikaintresserade” (som leds av en sverigebaserad venezuelan) där ett litet antal menar att det bästa vore ett inbördeskrig och en USA-intervention. Som den republikanske senatorn Rick Scott från Florida och en av den högerextrema gruppen The Party.

Folkmordskvintetten i Vita Huset som dagligen hotar med militär intervention av Venezuela möts med tystnad från de nämnda. Lite krystat postar de budskap från fascister och likasinnade som målar upp ett icke existerat ryskt eller kubanskt hot och gör allt för att internationalisera den politiska krisen i Venezuela.

Två ryska militärplan landade för en månad sedan i Maiquetia och lyfte efter två dagar med sina hundra passagerare. Ett antal ryssar har på plats i Venezuela och i Moskva instruerat venezuelaner i hur de ska skjuta ner angripande flyg med ett ryskt luftvärnssystem och hotades omedelbart av Vita Huset. Det borde väl vara i alla venezuelaners intressen, det vill säga att skydda sitt fosterland mot utländska militära angripare. Men icke sa Nicke, det karaktäriseras som ”rysk ockupation”.

Det blir än mer pinsamt när samma venezuelaner anklagar tusentals kubanska läkare och sjuksköterskor för att leda och ha tagit kontrollen över de väpnade styrkorna i Venezuela.

Egentligen är det inte så märkligt. Var och en tar politisk ståndpunkt. Fosterlandsförrädare är fosterlandsförrädare och det är sällan ränderna går ur.

Så det är inte heller märkligt att en folkmordsrådgivare som John Bolton utan den minsta dallring på stämman säger: 'This is our hemisphere!', ”Detta är VÅR hemisfär”!

Och uttalandet applåderas i det tysta av herrarna och damerna som vill sitt land bombas av Bolton&Co.

Precis som våra fosterlandsförrädare gjorde när de slickade stövlarna på de tyska fascisterna inför, under och efter det andra världskriget som skördade 55 miljoner döda.

Frågan är hur många döda John Bolton kalkylerar med i hans militära scenario av Venezuela?

John Bolton: 'This is our hemisphere!'
By John Gong

Editor's note: Dr. John Gong is a research fellow at Charhar Institute and professor at the University of International Business and Economics. The article reflects the author's opinion, and not necessarily the views of CGTN.

U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton is a loose cannon that is bent on plunging the United States into war. This man has been a warmonger for decades ever since serving as U.S. representative to the UN during the Bush administration.

When President Trump appointed him to his current position, he knew that, and once commented to close aides that he (Bolton) is going to get us into a war.

The U.S. got close to it with the situation in Venezuela on April 30.

Bolton has at various points harped on threats posed to the United States by Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Cuba and of course now, Venezuela. His proposed strategy in response has invariably been regime change.

Bolton worked on Iran for 20 years with what one former senior national security official described as an anal focus. His arm-twisting Trump into withdrawing from the Obama-era agreement that limited the Iranian nuclear-weapons program appears to be paying off right now.

We will see if tension at the Strait of Hormuz will flare up into flames in the future.

But for the moment, Bolton's immediate passion over regime change is Venezuela. The coup in Caracas was actually the second America-encouraged-and-led flop of a regime change attempt. The first botched one actually occurred in 2002, to topple then Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

Although the CIA's involvement back then was shrouded in secrecy, a report by the U.S. Inspector General at the request of U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd admitted conclusively that the National Endowment of Democracy, the Department of Defense and other U.S. assistance programs provided training, institution building, and other support to organizations and individuals understood to be actively involved in the events of April 11-14 (2002 coup)…”

And this time around, the American involvement in Venezuela is certainly less taciturn. Bolton's interest in Venezuela was already on display two weeks ago during a gathering of surviving members of Brigade 2506 in Coral Gables, Florida, which was the main military force assembled by the CIA for the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. The Caracas coup looks every bit like the prelude of another Bay of Pigs replay. 

During that speech Bolton coined the phrase troika of tyranny, referring to the three left-leaning governments in the Western Hemisphere, namely Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. As the Washington Post reported on May 3, a feverish array of activities actually took place between relevant U.S. officials and representatives of the opposition leader Juan Guaidó in Washington since January, leading up to the coup d'état in Caracas.

But the real underpinning of Bolton's high-ground moralizing has nothing to do with either freedom or democracy  it is all about oil! In an interview on Fox News, Bolton could not have put it more nakedly, it will make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American oil companies invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela.

Venezuela holds the world's largest oil reserve. Bolton's interest in oil as opposed to freedom and democracy in Venezuela is further exposed in another interview with New Yorker magazine, where he openly talks about the centuries-old Monroe Doctrine.

The Monroe Doctrine is alive and well. It's our hemisphere, he pointedly declared.

The our hemisphere reference is certainly directed at Russians. Bolton claimed that there were 20,000 Cubans in Venezuela who served as surrogates for the Russians in addition to at least 100 Russian soldiers. To get the Russians out, you have to change the regime, Bolton was quoted as saying.

Regime change is certainly not just Bolton's little invention. It has been enshrined as one of the cornerstones of the American foreign policy at least in some quarters of the Pentagon. Michael Ledeen, who used to work as a policy consultant to the U.S. Department of State and the Department of Defense once famously said what is now widely remembered as the Ledeen Doctrine:  

Every 10 years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.

We will see if Venezuela will end up on Washington's list of small crappy little countries.