basker på gatorna i Bilbao för att visa sin solidaritet med Venezuela och
fördöma USA:s krigshot
Igår demonstrerade tusentals
basker på gatorna i Bilbao för Venezuela och mot försöken att vrida historiens
klocka tillbaka ett drygt sekel, mot Monroedoktrinen som ger den krigiska
eliten i Washington den självpåtagna rätten att invadera länder och folk för
att plundra dem på sina naturresurser.
I det uttalande som togs
när demonstrationen hade anlänt till torget anklagas ”USA:s regering i allians
med den venezuelanska oppositionen, USA:s satellitregeringar i Latinamerika och
de korporativa medierna med stöd av politiska aktörer inom EU, som den spanska
och baskiska regeringen för att tvinga det venezuelanska folket till en total
underkastelse. Målet? Att störta den folkvalde president Nicolás Maduro, destabilisera
landet och påtvinga landet en marionettregering som garanterar den korporativa
makten kontrollen över olja, gas, coltan och guld i Venezuela”.
Uttalandet uppmärksammar
att Trump nu har valt att accelera undermineringprocessen genom att ha utsett
en statskuppsmarionett som kallar sig `interrimspresident´ samt utsett Elliott
Abrams till ett ”speciellt sändebud för Venezuela”. Det är samma Abrams som är ytterst
ansvarig, i egenskap som ”speciellt sändebud för Centralamerika”, för tusentals
brott mot de mänskliga rättigheterna i Centralamerika under USA:s krig i denna
region under 1980-talet.
Det baskiska solidaritetsuttalandet
markerar även sitt fördömande mot alla slags former av sabotage för att
upprätthålla samhällslivet i form av attackerna mot elsystemet, frysandet av 30
miljarder dollar (270 miljarder sv/kr), sanktioner och blockader av all slags handel
som inköp av mediciner.
Det baskiska folket visar
vägen för övriga europeiska folk, att inte låta sig underkastas en despotisk
fascistiska junta i Vita Huset som, om den får styra utan att folken
protesterar, kommer att förverkliga imperialisternas dröm om att lägga under
sig världen.
Demonstrationen och
presskommunikén stöddes av ett 40-tal partier, rörelser och landsorganisationer
i Baskien.
Dick E.
En automatiserad
engelsk översättning:
Basque Solidarity
thousands of people shouted `Venezuela Aurrera 'on the streets of Bilbao (+
Latin America
Sunday, May 5, 2019
This Saturday May 4 several thousand people marched through the Gran Via de
Bilbao in Euskal Herria (the Basque Country), to express their rejection to the
attempted coup in Venezuela and the economic blockade suffered by this country
US government and to demand an end to foreign interference aimed at controlling
and stealing their natural resources.
this Basque town they hosted a number of initiatives to support the Bolivarian
Revolution and in defense of the democratic legitimacy of President Nicolas
Maduro. Two years ago one-of manifestation Basque national character, as
is- was also held on this occasion but attendance has been substantially
The march culminated in the Plaza Arriaga, where the
bertsolari (Basque poet repentista) Joaquín Arregi `Txe' made in verse tribute
to Commander Hugo Chavez denounced the manipulation of information and asked
for support to President Maduro.
The demonstration was supported by more than 40 parties,
trade unions, social movements and groups.
supported the initiative: Without limitation, Mundubat, Murkondo cultural
association. Ataun, Pakito Arriaran Foundation, Peace with Dignity - Peace
and Dignity, PCE-EPK, PCPE, Podemos, Radio Revolution group of cumbia, Latin
American Overview, Sandinistas, Sierra Maestra, for Syria,Come elkartea
(Cultural Association Basque-Catalan), Steil, Zabaldo.
They gave
information about the event several media.
Photo: Carlos
Fiallos. Video: Ana Gil and Igor Karrero.
At the end of
the march the following communique was read:
aurrera! Not to Strike!
The US government, in alliance with the Venezuelan opposition, satellite
governments in Latin America and the mainstream media, and with the complicity
of political actors in the European Union such as the Basque and Spanish
governments, subject to the Venezuelan people to a total siege. The
goal: to overthrow the elected President Nicolas Maduro, destabilizing the
country and impose a puppet government to ensure their corporate power oil,
gas, coltan and gold from Venezuela.
After five years of economic war, violence of fascist groups (guarimbas) of
attempted military coup and assassination, the government of Donald Trump has
decided to step on the accelerator has placed a coup puppet as "interim
president" (John Guaidó ); named as "special charge of US for
Venezuela" one of the criminals responsible for the dirty war in Central
America in the 80 (Elliott Abrams); and passed all kinds of sanctions and
financial blockade the country have been frozen -and 30 billion of
Venezuelan-state. In March, even, was attacked the
electrical system of the country, leaving the population, twice in one month
without electricity, water, transportation and telephone for days.
The independent former UN rapporteur Alfred de Zayas characterized this attack
as a "crime against humanity".
But the corporate media , also the Basques spread all kinds of fake news
and messages from psychological warfare to justify the siege and possible
intervention. They talk about "humanitarian aid" whose value is
1,500 times less than the theft of public assets Venezuelans, of
"interference in Cuba" -silenciando that Guaidó proposes expelling
20,000 health cooperators comunitaria- of "mismanagement" economic
-while Euroclear and British banks have retained more than 2,500 million
Venezuelan - state; "lack of medicines" -while governments
like Colombia or Spain have prevented the purchase or shipment of these
inputs-. There can be no greater cynicism.
This economic, diplomatic and media siege aims to jeopardize the national
sovereignty of Venezuela and the process regaining national control of natural
resources, empowered and gave voice to millions of people before invisible,
shielded social rights, developed mechanisms of participatory democracy and
protagónica and urged solidarity mechanisms of integration in Latin America.
Although it censor the media, there is a cry of indignation and solidarity
with the Venezuelan people worldwide and have been many gestures of solidarity
that has received the people of Venezuela. From Euskal Herria call to respect
Venezuela's sovereignty, respect for the government and its institutions and
respect for the popular will expressed on many occasions. We denounce this
new attempt to intervene and support the mechanisms of dialogue open for more
than a dozen Latin American countries.
That is why in Euskal Herria have returned to go outside to once again say No
to the coup, interference and war! And also, clearly, Pa'lante
Venezuela! ¡No to the coup!
US government, venezolarrarekin opposition, Latin American government
satellites, big media and the European Union, with the complicity of some
political actors - including the Government and the Spanish government, the
persecution of the people of Venezuela. The goal: to dismiss elected
president Nicolas Maduro, the establishment of a puppet government in the
country destabilized and corporate power of Venezuelan oil, gas, coltan and
gold guarantee.
economic war, violence fascist groups (guarinbak), after the military coup
attempt which magnizidio, Donald Trump's government has decided to press on the
accelerator: a puppet involved in the coup, "interim president" set
(Juan Guaidó); Criminally responsible for the dirty war in Central America
in the 80s was "responsible for the US Venezuela special" set
(Elliott Abrams); and also various types of financial sanctions and
economic blockade of the set - already 30 thousand million euros and the United
venezolarrarenak dollars frozen ones. Moreover, in March, the country's
electrical system was attacked, people, twice a month, for several days, light,
water, transport and leaving without a phone.
Nations independent expert was Alfred de Zayas "crime against
humanity" is characterized as the latest attacks.
media koporatiboek - fake news of all kinds, including the Basques and the
well-known psychological war against Venezuela to spread messages and potential
persecution in order to justify a military intervention. "Humanitarian
aid" is - venezolar 1500 times less than the value of which was the theft
of public assets, "Cuban intervention," it is important that -
communities working Guaidók proposed the expulsion of 20,000 Cuban doctors who
silenced while ago, the economy "poor management" has to be -
Euroclear by the British banking in the United venezolarrarenak 2500 million
dollars while the retention; "Lack of medicines" that they - the
governments of Colombia and Spain that prevented while the purchase or
shipping. They are not to be cynical.
persecution, diplomats and the media to reduce Venezuela's national
sovereignty. This process is to regain control of the natural resources
that were previously invisible to the millions of citizen empowerment and
voice, will guarantee the social rights, democracy and participation and to
develop mechanisms for protagoniko solidarity mechanisms to promote integration
between the peoples of Latin America, among others.
censorship of the media, the world of anger is evident from what is happening
in Venezuela, and many gestures of solidarity with the Venezuelan people. In
the Basque Country the sovereignty of Venezuela, its government and its
institutions invite respect and, at the same time, respect the will of the
people expressed on several occasions.
all this, we have to go out once again to the citizens of this new coup
attempt, outside intervention and to say no to war and Venezuela on loud! shout
a round.